
the shining half

"No ... only me ... but one day, it will be a table for two
I will be wearing a fancy dress, and he'll be wearing an elegant suit
Our table will be this one at the corner.. maybe a candle on it
Some red roses, special dish made for us; one of warm and deep sweetness.. just like we taste life
Maybe talking.. in our own language .. our own words
Even in silence we will be talking deeper .. totally revealed to one another , every hint , every gesture .. like reading an old book
I'll be no stranger , and you will not be looking at me like that
Why am I talking to you anyway .. Just lead me to my table "
After the dreamy tone .. She said the last words rather furiously as if she discovered suddenly that she actually said that to a total stranger
The waitress who was listening to all that .. A stupid look rose on her face at the lady's sudden angry tone , she did what she asked
But couldn't help glancing at this lady every now and then , while she kept sitting alone as always
Not aware of any body .. Frozen gaze through the window
"She's doing it again "
Every time she's here .. alone .. same table .. same dish ..
Although she herself is new to this restaurant .. She became accustomed to this lady's habits
She couldn't help thinking about her words , her dream , seems that she opened part of herself to our waitress accidentally
Although she is a regular customer .. It's the first time she ever talked to anybody here .
" Bad moods.. So just don't disturb her " .. That's what she's been told
Some whispering that she's been in love .. But things didn't work out
As if this restaurant was a witness to her ups and downs
It disgusted her how everyone kept talking ,while they knew nothing
Something about this makes our waitress feels angry .. really angry .. nothing makes a woman like this lady .. be that way except love and its endless miseries
" Men can be so stupid " .. Yes she knows about that herself
Anyway .. It was the time to take the lady's order .. and though she felt it would be awkward .. She tried to act normal .. To relieve the tension
When she was done .. the lady stopped her by saying :
" About what I said earlier , I'd appreciate that .. you know"
" Your privacy is in no danger ma'am , besides , apparently .. You weren't addressing me ! "
" Yes .. You can say so " reflecting at what the waitress said , and can't decide whether that meant she looked crazy or what
The Waitress was about to leave .. But hesitated for a while but finally said ( as if she settled something in her mind )
- Excuse me ma'am ? .. Why do you keep coming here ?
- I beg your pardon ?
- I mean whatever it is , it certainly doesn't worth you sitting here alone .. You're .."
- "Oh yea .. moving on!! " She interrupted the waitress ..exclaiming sarcastically
" And what do you know about that ? " looking at her eyes .. Sharply and deeply
- I don't .. I mean .. " She didn't know what to say ..
- still giving her the same look .. then suddenly
"Oh my .. He left without goodbyes .. didn't he ?"( with a softened voice )
The waitress girl was struck by these words .. Which was amazingly true ..Was it written on her face or something ?
- Poor girl .. that's bad actually .. very bad !!
Then the lady said :
- Ok .. So you want to give advice .. save broken souls and stuff like that .. let me help you "
She turned around and said in a louder voice :
Why don't you give your precious advice to this woman .. yes .. Excuse me miss .. she wants to tell you .. he doesn't love you , and you know it , don't waste your precious time any longer
And you .. sorry to say that .. but it makes me sick , how you forgive him every time , it hurts .. your wounds will keep bleeding till you can't handle the PAIN any more
You will not be able to forgive anymore .. your feelings WILL DRY OUT "
" And you sweetie .. You're beautiful , if they can't see it.. it's their blind hearts .. not your problem .. You deserve to be loved , don't compromise on this !! "
And you .. bless you ma'am .. You grieved him long enough , he definitely wants you to move on .. let go of the black shell you're hiding in "
Then she turned again to the puzzled waitress slowly
" Think you're the smart one.. ha ? .. stepping up and giving people advice they don't need , it's easy as you see , words are so damn EASY!! "
Everyone turned and followed this strange lady's talk .. with same look of " how the hell she knew all this ? "
" I'm sorry .. I didn't mean .. "
" he said .. he didn't love me anymore" interrupting her
" if that what you wanted to know
after years of marriage , he suddenly discovered that .. as if it was a thought out of no where .. hitting him by chance
Also by chance he figured out that he's in love with another , she understands what he needs ( sad smile ) .. turned out .. that I .. Me - who stuffed her life with his every little small detail –(broken voice )don't understand !! " Moment of reflection
" Actually .. I don't .. I can't get it
Happy now , young lady ? " with a bitter smile

The waitress couldn't speak .. she walked away dragging her feet .. feeling so stupid and so fired , definitely her boss is watching this and ..
" Why do you care anyway ? " said the lady
" I mean is it a kind of a new policy here in this restaurant ? .. Free therapy .. Or maybe for the tips ? "
The girl turned again to face the lady .. looking disappointed
" no .. it's not .. sorry I care .. but it's just killing me .. I mean you're a beautiful and smart woman , you can do whatever you want , you can have it your way .. and I'm sure it's not hard for you to find another man .. but you just didn't .. you shut your self .. down
I know that's none of my business .. but I'll say it anyway , you look like a shadow of a woman , who were once well determined , confident , charismatic .. but now it's just a shadow !!
I don’t know why I am feeling this way.. but the fact that even someone looks strong like you can't get over it , makes me feel that we are so weak , so vulnerable .. easily crushed like cigarettes .. no matter what we have , we are poor .. so poor.. it's frustrating "
A moment of silence all over the place , the lady drew her eyes away but couldn't escape the eyes that were focused on her reaction , so she said :
" what do you want ?"
" please , don't come back here alone , bring some people , friends , real friends who love to see your laugh "
" and you know what , I bet all of them ( pointing to the watching eyes around them ) want to see your laugh too"
The lady looked all around to see that all the watching eyes turned to smiling faces .. encouraging her
And she couldn't help it , she laughed , a true loud laugh , free like a flying wing
And as if some magic happened , there were cheers of " yeas " , " good girl "
And all of a sudden , they were all joining her table , drawing more chairs and more tables
They were about 20 or more , she 's never been in a gathering like this since school days
" Oh school , those lovely days " one of them exclaimed and they went on talking cheerfully , she kept laughing till her tears went down , never felt this happy since her divorce
Here she is , surrounded by 20 total strangers who are willing to be her friends
In their eyes , she felt the warmth of a family
The waitress girl came without her uniform , laughing:
" I knew I was going to be fired anyway "
More laughs as she joined them , and they went on talking as if they were old friends long ago , and this was their reunion
And the end of it , there was an unspoken agreement that they'll meet again and again
Each one of them , left with the feeling that she gained a core , something she can lean on when it seems too bad , when the wind is blowing so hard
Our lady in particular left with the feeling that the world is in her hands
She was right about their sufferings , always been a good reader to the people , but what she missed to read was how powerful these women really were , those tender and loving souls they have
On this table , sat a bunch of different kinds of women but apparently , this inner pain tied them with an unusual kind of bond
She wondered how close she was to happiness, but couldn't see it , though it sounded very simple
There on this table , she forgot about her stupid dream , there she could forget , even for a day , that she needs a man's love
The blessings she received this day , satisfied her
The blessing that she can care and be taken care of .. That's what she saw written on their smiling faces " we will take care of you no matter what , we can hold this together "
This message touched her so much that she was about to cry
they made her believe again that women can stick to each other , be on each other's side , regardless of anything
She stopped believing in that for a while , after the crash of her life
When she was literally falling apart , she reached for the hands of her friends to save her
But they weren't really there .. all she can recall was some cold hugs , some " sorry for you " .. " oh , that should've been so hard on you "
"You're much better without him "
Brushing some sorrow on their eyes like an eye shadow
But each one kept herself busy in her own life or pretended to be so , holding tight as if they feared the curse of her divorce will blow the settlement of their own
Looking back to those days , She felt miserable .. really miserable , but it's only a funny memory now .
As for the waitress , while she was heading outside the restaurant , her boss came telling her she had her job back
She didn't understand , he explained with a greasy smile on his face : " you managed to increase their appetite and thanks to what you did , there will be more customers , I can sense that !!"
" But I didn't do it for you , or for this restaurant !!"
" But you made it , whether you meant it or not , you earned your job back , congratulations !"
Yes " winning " , all he cares about is winning , all men do
While women keep losing , happily losing , funny thing that they sometimes crave for loss
She sighed and went out , breathed some fresh air and she smiled , it was a good day indeed
Couldn't imagine that she would do something like that , to make that difference in these women, even just for a day
These women on this table proved it ," they are not a bunch of lonely losers "
They showed up the real element of this half of the world, the shining half, as she always believed, and always will .

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